WHAT WE DO! Tornado Potato -- one of a kind, spiral-cut potato that could be imitated, but never duplicated The key to our powerful product is freshness. Potatoes selected to be the perfect size for perfection these potatoes are thoroughly washed, hand-crafted, and fried to a golden perfect crisp! We also offer zucchini, sweet potato, sausages, gourmet chili and melted cheese! Find us on Instagram: @TornadoPotato & Facebook: /TornadoPotatoTruck |
HAVE A CRAVING? We are out and about everyday all over Southern California (Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Ventura Counties). Not from SoCal? Visit us during out annual (and spontaneous) trips to Central/Northern California, North/South Las Vegas, and North/South Arizona. COME FIND OUR NEXT EVENT! |
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